Being a Team Lead

Reflections on one month as a TL

This past Friday marks the end of Unit 1 for DS10 and one month as a Team Lead (TL) for me. TL contracts are for 8 weeks (2 sprints) with the option of 2 additional sprints. When I applied I only gave myself a 20% chance of getting the job... [Read More]
Tags: blog

The First Week of Machine Learning

The worst week

In comparing my blog entries with other students, I see mine are far less about code snippets and the homework assignments and generally less technical. Unfortunately, I think today will be another blog about my experiences and the surrounding thoughts and feelings. I’m not sure if this is good or... [Read More]
Tags: blog

Lambda DS Update

Some SQL

This week at Lambda for my cohort was RDBMS/SQL week. I knew I was not the best at sql but I thought I would be pretty good. In my prior life I crafted sql queries regularly and even taught many members of the finannce department how to use sql in... [Read More]
Tags: blog