Sometimes you may need to manually install a python module. I had to do this because the large SpaCy model at the time of wrting is almost 800 megabytes compressed (and close to 1 gigabyte uncompressed) but module managers download temporarily to /tmp before installation. My /tmp directory is not that large and really no /tmp really should have to be.

  • Search for and download (to a location with plenty of space) the model from the github release page
  • Unpack the tarball with tar xvzf [file]
  • cd into the newly created directory
  • Activate your conda environment (e.g. conda activate spacy-tryout)
  • Run a command similar to python install as appropriate for your system
  • Some time will pass as there will be further unpacking and then installation
  • When complete, you should be able to find the SpaCy install in your anaconda folder (e.g. ~/anaconda3/envs/spacy-tryout/lib/python3.7/site-packages)